Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is non-pathologizing, evidence-based form of psychotherapy that asserts that at their core, people are generally healthy, complex beings that have many parts of their personality, each with its own perspective, memories, emotions, goals, and motivations. In addition to these parts, individuals all have a Self that contains the love, wisdom, clarity, and compassion necessary to navigate the terrains of daily living. Ideally, parts are integrated and operate under the leadership of the Self.

At times, life experiences interrupt this ideal organization, and parts are exiled and operate in conflict with each other and the Self. This is when you might experience challenges, symptoms, or problematic behaviors that often disrupt the flow of living and indicate that something is awry inside. Some examples might include depression, anxiety, angry eruptions, trauma reactions, relationship problems, and intense or dangerous habits or behaviors. Internal Family Systems can help you get to know your various parts, map your inner conflicts, unburden negative beliefs, and access the internal resource of Self to heal exiled, protective, or reactive parts and experience great shifts in well-being.

In therapy with me, all your parts are welcome. IFS assumes that every part has a positive intention for you, even if it might feel problematic and wreak havoc at times. As we explore your inner system and work compassionately with these various parts, they can be healed and reorganized to work together in a way that enhances your life and leads to a sense of clarity, alignment and personal authority. You will leave with tools to understand your system, engage and transform your symptoms and challenges, and emerge as yourself in a way that is authentic and whole.

For more information about Internal Family Systems (IFS), visit the website at


1536 Vermont Street
Houston, TX 77006
(281) 344-7558

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