Self-Esteem & Personal Empowerment

Life is definitely not how you imagined. You want to live fully and authentically, but somehow in all of life’s demands, you’ve forgotten who you are. You are so tired of pleasing and performing to hide that you feel stressed, anxious, depressed, and disconnected. You question your worthiness, and your internal critic never stops judging you for how unfulfilled you are. You want your life back, but find yourself wondering how you got here and if this is all there is. Deep inside, you know something has to change, but you don’t know where to begin. Let me help you regain your center, find your strength, and move forward, authentically.

In therapy, I offer a safe and compassionate space to explore your inner world and tools to get in touch with who you are and what you really want in life.  By listening to your symptoms and challenges, we will reclaim your gifts and strengths and find new ways to cope with life experiences. You will move beyond being a victim of your life and emerge as yourself in a way that is not easily lost so you can live with connection, courage, compassion, and authenticity with yourself and others.

You can live your life to a new conclusion! I can help you restore your relationship with yourself and create a life of integrity, connection, authenticity, and inner strength. It’s time to love you and your life!

1536 Vermont Street
Houston, TX 77006
(281) 344-7558

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